Saturday, May 3, 2008

our very first kiss

I'm back in the real world now... I'm learning how to juggle a newborn and a toddler.

I'm finding that it's now time again for me to have some time to myself and have started doing my digital scrapbooking again. I really didn't do much to start with, bad timing with our house renovations and baby coming etc!

But I have done my first scrap challenge...

I'm really happy with it. I was able to remember how to use pse and even made my own background paper!

Credits... Alpha: "Smurfy Alpha" by Dirty Feet Designs (ScrapMatters), Doodle: "Doodle Kit" LG Perspectives (ScrapMatters), paper: me


Jill said...

looks great Kate oh boy I am so behind in my scrapbooking. You sound fantastic like returning to "normal". I am starting to get scared of the unnormal of a new baby. AHHH

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

That is beautiful Kate.. I have goosebumps now... I hope you manage to get some more spare time just for you!

Rachel said...

This is a beautiful page Kate.

What a fantastic memory - hope you get more done regularly now you have a bit more time.

By the way -HOW do you get more time with a newborn and a toddler????? LOL