Sunday, June 8, 2008

organising your bits 'n pieces

Okay, so it MAY be just after 2am in the morning... and I MAY be sick at the moment... but I'll tell you one thing. I'm nothing, if not consistent with getting a bee in my bonnet!

So this evening I have been organising ALL my digital scrapbooking stuff. It has taken HOURS. But it is soooo worthwhile. When I first started digi scrapping, I wasn't quite sure how it all worked and just kept downloading and downloading things... into the ONE folder. Who'd have thought I'd get so hooked?! (Anyone who's tried it I'd say!).

So, I have rationalised my collection, by getting rid of stuff I know I'll never use and organised everything else, as follows... (click to enlarge)

Previously it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, so I am very excited to open picasa now and see all my lovely elements, kits, papers etc staring back at me, all nice and neat!

Is that weird??!

We have a long weekend this weekend, so now that I'm all organised, I'll hopefully get to actually scrap something! ;)

1 comment:

Kate said...

Was so excited to see a post from you!! WTG on getting your stuff organised, it makes it so much easier! Hope you are feeling better soon!!